Paper submission
Final Paper Submission
Please use the login area to submit your final paper. You have received the access data by mail. After logging in, you can complete the author information and upload the final paper.
All papers submitted to EuroGNC 2022, whether for review or publication upon acceptance, must be written in English and formatted according to the templates provided below. The template is available in LaTeX as well as in Microsoft Word. Please note the following points:
- All papers must be submitted as a PDF document.
- The maximum size for the PDF file is 15MB.
- A page limit at 12 pages is set for the main content of the paper: between the start of the Introduction until the end of the Conclusion.
- The decision regarding the acceptance of each paper is at the discretion of the conference’s Program Committee.
- If the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors listed on the paper must attend the conference and present the paper according to the scheduling decided by the conference’s Program Committee.
- In the event that the presenter is unable to attend the conference for any reason, it is his/her responsibility to insure that the paper is presented by a qualified colleague.
- At least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for EuroGNC 2022 to upload the final manuscript.
The conference is co-sponsored by CEAS and AIAA, so authors can submit extended revised versions of their CEAS EuroGNC conference papers to their respective journals: CEAS Aeronautics Journal, CEAS Space Journal, and the various AIAA journals (Journal of Aircraft, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, etc.). The submitted papers will be subject to the normal peer-review process of these journals.
Final Paper Upload will be possible until 8th April 2022.
To download the template, please click here.
(ZIP-file, 278 KB)
Based on authors' feedback, the LaTeX template was revised to version v1.1 on April 6th, 2022.
To download the revised template, please click here.
(ZIP-file, 418 KB)